26. Black Drongo (ಕಾಜಾಣ - Kajana)

Black Drongo - ಕಾಜಾಣ - Kajana

The black drongo (kannada Name - ಕಾಜಾಣ) (Dicrurus macrocercus) is a small Asian passerine bird of the drongo family Dicruridae. It is a common resident breeder in much of tropical southern Asia from southwest Iran through India and Sri Lanka east to southern China and Indonesia. It is a wholly black bird with a distinctive forked tail and measures 28 cm (11 in) in length. It feeds on insects, and is common in open agricultural areas and light forest throughout its range, perching conspicuously on a bare perch or along power or telephone lines. Wiki

Types of Drongo Species found in Mysuru:

The drongos are mostly black or dark grey in colour, sometimes with metallic tints. They have long forked tails, and some Asian species have elaborate tail decorations. They have short legs and sit very upright when perched, like a shrike. They flycatch or take prey from the ground. There are 24 species worldwide and 9 species which occur in India and 6 in Karnataka and I have found 5 in Mysuru.


  1. Nice post about Black Drongo. Watch the video of Black Drongo in youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0ohWsWVj2E

  2. I have seen it at my farm but didn't know the name thanks

  3. Was really helpful I found recently greater racket tailed drongo

    1. Thank you Garyan. Thats nice to hear about Racket tailed Drongo 😊

  4. In which place Karnataka its found...

    1. It is found amost everywhere in Karnataka. Usually it is spotted in open areas such as farmland, forest edge, meadows, wetlands, and fields.


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